The Gentle Business


a community for gentle hearts to be lovingly held in
growing their business using emotional safety,
body wisdom and thoughtful strategy.


 Gentle business is an approach to entrepreneurship that centres your safety and care, so that you can lead your business from support and connection rather than stress and overwhelm.


Why this matters is because:

When you feel safe, you make moves towards
growth rather than survival.

When you feel cared for, you build something
that is both kind to you and sustainable to show up to.

When you feel supported, you take more
intentional action and see better-to-you results.


Often we will ask ourselves, ‘what will help me be more productive or make more money?”

But the better question is - ‘what will help me feel safe here?’

Because wherever we don’t feel safe,
we will do everything we can to avoid.

but wherever we feel safe,
we will grow with ease and joy.


 The Gentle Business Membership is intentionally designed for you if you are a creative or entrepreneur and:


  • crave educational experiences where you can feel honoured and held rather than forced and fixed, 

  • long to have a business that you can feel safe inside of and move into action out of that place, 

  • yearn for a slower pace than what is often mandated in online business

  • want to cultivate a business utilizing things such as the wisdom of your body and intuition


Imagine what could happen when you:

  • build out a business model that is full of safety, comfort and care.

  • be in a community of those who are choosing to move slowly, gently and intentionally.

  • receive education and sessions rooted in compassion and agency.

  • discover a way of creating and working that supports your body and your brain and no one else’s.

  • carve out your way of marketing and selling so you can make the money you want and the impact you want with the craft you love.


The Gentle Business Membership has been
deeply designed to offer you this very space.



I love being a part of such a unique community! As a business owner, it's so refreshing & inspiring to be surrounded by other business owners who are looking to do things differently and focus on building a business that aligns with their personal well-being.


why a gentle business?


What makes a gentle business so powerful is because it is a business that supports you at the most integral level. It helps you to find safety in your business diminishing the need for self-protection and disconnection and allows you to feel generously cared for and resourced in every aspect.

A gentle business allows you to see incredible and sustainable results because you’re not fighting against yourself, but moving in support of yourself. It’s a radical choice to trust yourself, your pace, your leadership, and your voice. It is a homecoming to yourself.



Hi, I’m Ashley!

Your Gentle Business coach and guide  

I am so very honoured that you are here! I’m a coach that helps gentle hearts grow their businesses using emotional safety, body wisdom and thoughtful strategy.

The membership is the space I wish I had early on in my business; a soft place to land with a facilitation towards safety and gentleness.

When you join the membership, you choose a gentler path to creating a business that cares for and supports you so well. I’m so honoured to create this space for you!



The refreshing breath of fresh air that Ashley and the incredible community of people are. It's like a life giving antidote to the pressure of hustle, from both my internal world and the world outside (especially in all things business).


The Gentle Business

a community for gentle hearts to be lovingly held in
growing their business using emotional safety,
body wisdom and thoughtful strategy.


Here’s what is all included:


Monthly Gentle Biz Workshop

I facilitate and teach a new workshop each month to build off the framework and apply gentle business principles to different aspects of business. (And when you join the membership, you can access all of the existing workshops too, on topics including compassionate lead generation, the practice of pitching, feel-good marketing, and more!)


The Gentle Business Course

You can make your way through this five-part framework at your own pace, with recorded sessions on: centering your safety, supporting your nervous system in business, creating structures of care, layering support into your work and deepening your leadership.


Monthly Community Circle

We gather in a space each month where you can come and be seen, be heard and be held. Here you can ask and receive what you need, whether it be coaching, mentorship, or just the space to share something on your mind. 

These calls are one of the most powerful, impactful spaces of the membership. You’ll find that members are so generous with their presence, encouragement, and support. 


Monthly Implementation Call

Learning is amazing, but for it to be truly supportive, we need time and space to actually integrate what we learn. Our monthly implementation calls are a place where coworking meets mindfulness and we can play around with putting our new insights into practice in our businesses. 




PS. in case you’re like, ‘but gentle businesses, can they be successful or even profitable?’ YES, here’s why.

Gentle businesses are sustainable, intentional, and clear. Those who run them feel safe and grounded which helps them take more action which creates more creativity, impact, results, and your definition of success.



What Ashley creates feels like a warm hug for the soul. The spaces she holds are supportive, loving, and, well, *cozy*. If you join GB, Ashley will show you how to create an environment of softness and compassion that will make all of the business stuff seem just a little more doable... As well as more enjoyable.


You in?



Sign up for the year and get a free 90-minute intensive with me!







 Got questions? I got answers!

  • The membership is ongoing and we’re ready to welcome you in!

  • Nope! You’ll actually get MORE results because you feel safer and can take more action, receive more goodness and be seen in a higher capacity.

  • There is no guarantees or magic pills here, and if that’s what you’re looking for, this isn’t the right membership for you. It has been my noticing that it takes around six months for transformation to occur in compassion, gentleness and safety.

  • Gentle business is not about never hustling, it is simply about hustling intentionally and sustainably.

  • It is likely that you believe on some level you need to be harsh or show yourself tough love to get motivated. But, is that actually true? The most sustainable momentum and success will come from safety, care and supportive structure. Let me convince you!

  • I know that sometimes having a refund option can offer deep assurance. But due to the digital nature and my own boundaries, there are no refunds.

  • If you’re on the month-to-month plan, you can cancel at anytime. I absolutely do not believe in holding people in programs, but honouring your sovereignty.

  • I’d love to have you! The meeting times for the live events vary to accommodate different time zones.

  • You get to decide. You get to decide what will make this experience most supportive for you.


PS. If nothing else? May you know just how loved you are and how worthy you are of experiencing
a felt sense of safety every single day.
